Forum Rules

(1) Please Treat ALL Posters with Respect and Courtesy.- Anyone who is found to be abusive to another member will be banned at the Admin`s discretion.

(2) No Obscenity - You Must not post any obscene messages or pictures, including pornography or links to said material (unless it's from 2D spess (wo)men.) Doing so may result in an instant ban.

(3) Keep it legal** - With all forums we are held responsible for all posts so please beware and think before you post.

(4) No Posting of Personal Contact Information - This is For your safety, Any public posting of any personal contact information will be removed.

(5) No Trolling - Do not post comments which have the sole purpose to cause an argument. You may express your opinion on a topic, however abuse to anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as you will not be tolerated. Trolls will be banned.

(6) No Flaming or posting of material intended to start a flame war.-- Forum wars are stupid and childish we will not get involved with them.

(7) Spamming of any type is not allowed--- Where as some poor forums feel the urge to spam their way to the top we feel that only good honest post makes a forum successful. Any spam will be removed and the offended warned then banned.

(8) Word filter --- It is there to protect everyone on the forum anyone found trying to avoid this will be warned then banned and the post removed.

(9) A three strike system is in effect for any user failing to fully comply with the rules: First Offence: A warning. Second Offence: Suspended from the forum for 1 week Third Offence: A permanent ban.

In severe cases the offender may be banned before making 3 offences. If you have a problem with any particular user, Please send a PM to one of the moderators.

(10) Complaints We take pride in our forum however there may be times where some of our members or guest may feel upset. If this is the case please send the Admin a pm clearly stated what you are upset about, if you can take a screen shot to back up your claim then please do. Please do not be afraid to contact the admins for any reason.

* By Piracy we mean

Illegal copying of a product such as software or music. The unauthorised duplication and/or use and distribution of a software program, including Music, Programs,Movies etc.

This also includes copying post from one forum to another with out the consent of the original author.

** By Legal we mean

The selling of any material including drugs, guns , knives and any other product under the currant law which is illegal.

Also the showing and allowing the showing of any material which is against the law and also against the ProBoards' Terms And Conditions.

Rules courtesy of HOWTODOIT © Symon Field

Station Rules

If you are completely new to the game please admin help using "f1" and a staff member will happily assist you in learning how to play. 

0. You are expected to read these rules before playing. Any case of, "I didn't know the rules.”, will be shown little to no tolerance. Toeing the line with the rules or trying to bend the meaning of any of these rules to get you out of trouble, also known as lawyering the rules, will not be tolerated. 

1. We are first and fore-most a MEDIUM* roleplay server. People are expected to maintain a certain level of roleplay while in game. However. Medium RP does not mean you are expected to be roleplaying every second, every breath. We are not a heavy RP server, some lee-way can be expected.

Try to think logically about your characters behaviour. Have an antagonist point a laser carbine at you, and you still decide to move around and end up being shot? Ahelping your death may, or may not help your situation, considering you did completely ignore the fact that you had lethal weaponry pointing at you Icly. On the other-hand, some people are braver then others, and it’s securities job to try to stop someone with a damn laser carbine.*

2. You must continue to roleplay your character's behaviour even in highly strange situations. Do not break RP in any situation. Try to create an environment where other players fit in with each individual character without breaking RP. This includes antag behaviour as well as job behaviour. People want to get killed or stolen from in a more entertaining way rather than just a bland repeat kill. Try to be inventive in the ways a player meets their end and so that players can get new experiences from every round they play in. 

3. What is known as Self-Antaging*, is not permitted. Committing antagonistic actions while being a non-antag will be dealt with harshly by staff. This can be considered the following: Raiding the armoury, stealing the captains ID, etc…

Just breaking space law, isn’t considered self antaging. For example, selling contraband as a cargo tech, could in fact, create a greater roleplay experience. However, breaking space law will often lead to confrontations with security, and you are NOT permitted to kill/maim/rob security members.*

4. Do not speak of things that occur ICly, in OOC Chat*. This is also true for the reverse, speaking of ooc things Icly. If you have an issue with something that occurred, take it up with the staff members via a-help or F1, do NOT involve the rest of the server with an issue that could compromise role play knowledge.
*LOOC is still technically OOC chat, and speaking of IC things will not be allowed.*



5. Don't be a dick. This includes towards players OOC. This rule is invoked on the occasion that a player attempts to argue with a member of staff after violating one of our server rules. As staff are limited and often in addition to staff are playing in the round right along with you, they cannot be expected to see everything, nor can they be expected to never make mistakes. If you have a problem with our staff, arguing with them is not the answer, as you are taking up additional time that could be spent having fun. So, please go to the forums and explain what occurred and when it occurred. We have server logs for this reason, and we can literally verify any crazy farfetched story with our logs - so long as it is the truth. (We understand if people remember things differently, we all have those moments). This also goes for IC. You may have a "jerk" character and that is fine within reason. 



6. Do not kill a player without acceptable IC reasoning. 

Examples of acceptable IC reason include: 
-Your life will end if nothing is done. 
-The life of one of your crewmates will end if nothing is done. 
-The player is your objective. 
-A player will expose your antag role. 
Anyone murdering someone without an acceptable IC reason will be dealt with harshly. 
There are a few particular cases that can occur where you have little choice but to use lethal means to stop a crew member, these will be reviewed by the staff upon ahelping.

7. As an antagonist, you may have kill objectives to complete for a single person. Please understand here, that you cannot put the rest of the crews life in danger just kill a single person. This type of behaviour can and will be seen similar to griefing as you are taking players out of the round, that shouldn’t be taken out. This type of behaviour includes but is not limited to: Releasing a lot phoron and lighting it on fire, releasing a killer virus, Etc…

8. NO ERP. ERP is Erotic Roleplay. Being Married or in a relationship does not count as ERP but taking it too far will still be punished. Thing allowed, for example: Hugging, kissing, holding hands. – ERP is no longer banned*, However, it should not be abused, or really done in front of everyone. If that happens, expect security to arrest you for indecency. Any instance of rape, or forced sexual interaction is an immediate permanent ban. (With the exception of BDSM.)

*If you ERP you must have OOC consent from the other player. If the player is unwillingly OOCly, you WILL be dealt with swiftly and harshly.*

9. Do not grief, even while the shuttle is in transit. Antagonists are allowed, however to pursue their objectives if they are on the shuttle/pods. However, once they arrive at central the round IS over. No fighting is to occur once the shuttle arrives at central as it spams the logs and makes it hard for staff to deal with certain issues that may have occurred.

10. Choose proper IC names*. Names such as "Mike Hunt" "Adolf Hitler" "KillerxxScope" "Jamie1337" "Big Fucking Jerk" or anything of the sort will not be tolerated. While IPC’s can have varying names, keep them some-what realistic. Having an IPC character isn’t really an excuse for names like “KILLER”. They will be changed at minimum and you will receive more than just a renaming and warning for repeat offenses. 

* Please note, names targeting other players offensively will also be dealt with as breaking rule 4 and rule 9.*

11. No metagaming, this means you cannot use information outside of the game in the round. Talking by mouth or text about current events within the round outside of your SS13's client, then using this information IS NOT ALLOWED!

12. Power Gaming. Also know as 'playing to win'. If you're trying to complete your objectives, kill the antagonists, or 'win', at all costs and ignore RP, you may be better off somewhere else. This also includes loading up your character with items 'just in case', for example wearing internals 'just in case' there's a hull breach or plasma leak. Or wearing a space suit indoors for no reason and retrieving a fireaxe/captains display laser.

13. Ban evading and multikeying are grounds for an automatic permaban. Threatening the server via various means like DDOSing, is also grounds for an automatic permaban.

14. Ahelp questions you have about the game - this is why we have moderators! They will not, however, offer details about the current round that would be considered IC in OOC UNLESS you are asking if a death was legit. Even in cases of a legit death, you may not have it fully explained to you. 

Extra Notes

You cannot go around murdering people and claim you are psychotic or mentally ill; this is bad roleplay and will not be tolerated.

If you join in as a character who is bald or basically has no detail put into their character whatsoever, doesn't talk or RP, breaks into places without a word, you WILL become a target to everyone on station and admins will not help you. You will be treated as non-crew. If you cannot take time to make a character or roleplay a character on a medium RP server, then you will not be protected by our rules. 

Admin abuse is not allowed here. If you feel you have been abused please report it on the forums.  If you feel that a player is not right/not going to contribute, to our community, please feel free to report them on the player complaint section of the forums.

The length of a ban depends on: 
-The admin 
-Previous notes and punishments 
-Severity of the case 

If you become banned, you may always try to appeal it on our forums. There is never a guarantee you will be unbanned but going through the effort to make a thread shows you're willing to cooperate and in most cases will get your sentence lowered if not removed entirely. This includes permanent bans. 

IC - In Character 
OOC - Out of Character 
LOOC - Local Out of Character 
ERP - Erotic Role Play 
A-help - Messaging the admins/adminhelping 
Antag - The antagonist of the round, the "bad guys" 
Metagaming - The act of using out of game means to gain an advantage in game 
Powergaming - Having a play-to-win style 
Multikeying - Logging out of your original key and logging back in under a different name OR logging in with multiple keys at the same time 
Ban Evading - Using means of IP changing or ckey changing to escape a ban 



Girdo: That's right, humans. I ain't dead yet. Mar 11, 2017 4:33:04 GMT
cebutris: Who said anything about humans? We're all catbeasts or robots now. Mar 14, 2017 15:32:56 GMT
cebutris: At least, that's what I heard Mar 20, 2017 11:14:45 GMT
Geode McKuster: Oh, hey, the ghosts have stirred. Mar 26, 2017 0:36:54 GMT
iteration9: what ghosts Apr 7, 2017 0:34:46 GMT
Geode McKuster: You know, THOSE ghosts. Apr 7, 2017 1:43:01 GMT *
cebutris: are you calling me a ghost Apr 21, 2017 21:27:57 GMT
Geode McKuster: *Dies* Apr 26, 2017 2:22:11 GMT
lucian977: haha dead server Jan 14, 2018 17:39:12 GMT
lucian977: also Jan 14, 2018 20:54:00 GMT
lucian977: >we're all catbeasts and robots Jan 14, 2018 20:54:10 GMT
lucian977: lynch the catbeasts Jan 14, 2018 20:54:19 GMT
Girdo: lynch Lucian. Feb 27, 2018 22:36:46 GMT
Hugo14453: What are you still doing here? Darn kids, get off my lawn! Mar 1, 2018 21:50:05 GMT
radiantflash2: Not the innocent tajaran workers! Jun 19, 2018 1:05:12 GMT
247brett: What was will be. Oct 31, 2019 1:01:02 GMT
radiantflash2: So Hugo, whens the server coming back? Dec 8, 2019 22:23:25 GMT
247brett: Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, Soapstation passed out of all knowledge. May 11, 2020 18:46:25 GMT
thevigilante15: Moved on for a while, but found myself missing this place. Hope one day Soapstation can be revived. May 26, 2020 2:31:52 GMT
demogavin: (American Soap) Soapstation was in a better era, may we cherish it forever. Jul 5, 2020 14:45:28 GMT
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